Dr Sarah 'Serje' Jones
Dr Sarah ‘Serje’ Jones is an authority on transport regulation, safety and compliance. She is the managing director of Driven Strategy and Policy Solutions where she works with industry, government and not for profits on a range of issues including psychosocial hazard management, chain of responsibility, the application of technology to WHS issues, culture, policy evaluation, legal compliance, health and wellbeing, human machine interface, culture, safety and supply chain strategy. Her particular interest is in the relationship between rules and human behaviour in high risk environments. She was formerly the General Manager for Road Transport Safety and Compliance at Toll Group and the Director of Compliance, Enforcement and C-ITS at the National Transport Commission.
Sarah's awards and recognition include being named one of Australia's 100 Women of Influence by the Australian Financial Review/Westpac, the workplace safety award from the National Road Safety Partnership Program and a finalist in the national freight safety awards.
Dr Jones has a passion for history and literature. Three of her novels have been published. If she was ever on Mastermind her expert subjects would be the Heavy Vehicle National Law and Tudor England.
We welcome Dr Jones and are so honoured to have such a strong and influential woman as part of our member base.