
Australia Awards Indonesia, ‘Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming Implementation – Policy and Practice


Australia Awards Indonesia, ‘Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming Implementation – Policy and Practice

28th September 2024

On Wednesday, September 26, TWAL Chair, Jacquelene Brotherton was invited to present at Australia Awards Indonesia, ‘Strengthening Gender Mainstreaming Implementation – Policy and Practice’ at the University of Queensland in Brisbane on “Progressing GESI in rural and remote areas”.
It was a wonderful opportunity to blend her rural background, her work on the Board of the National Rural Women’s Coalition and Network and TWAL for all those affected by the challenges and issues faced in rural and remote Australia, such as telecommunications, access to health care and emergency services, the cost of transport which adds to the cost of living among other topics. And how it often is a reflection on those making the decisions or policies not having a complete or reasonable understanding of the implementation and flow-on effect for the people they are supposedly making these policies for, that causes the less than efficient result.
They also spoke about funding for these RRR areas compared to urban/city funding and specifically how female projects are funded and defined – still often needing a huge amount of volunteer labour.
They participated in a very dynamic discussion, and obviously shared her passion for the industry and how this affected our drivers operating in RRR areas.
Thanks so much to Australian Gender Equality Council and The University of Queensland for the invitation.