
Merry Manton awarded the Trish Pickering Memorial award for 2022


Merry Manton awarded the Trish Pickering Memorial award for 2022

7th December 2022

At the Transport Women Australia Limited end of year breakfast yesterday morning the 2022 Trish Pickering Memorial Award recipient was announced, this award is sponsored by Wes Pickering and was first bestowed in 2019. It is given to a woman for continuous contribution to the transport and logistics industry, it is based on four pillars of strength, leadership, being a role model and encouragement of others.

The 2022 recipient is Merry Manton of QLD, Merry is a very deserved recipient who has dedicated over four decades to the trucking industry, towards road safety and improving the industry for drivers, working to improve the image, and devoting her time to be a leader and role model. She strives to attract young people to our industry; she is a former chair of Transport Women Australia Limited and still devotes her time to assist in the organisation.

We congratulate Merry on this well-deserved award as she is a very worthy recipient, and we were proud as an association to be able to recognise such a worthy industry advocate.