
Wodonga EOY Dinner


Wodonga EOY Dinner

17th November 2024

On Tuesday 12th November, Transport Women Australia Limited celebrated the Wodonga EOY Dinner at La Maison Cafe on the Lincoln Causeway between Albury/Wodonga. The event was sponsored by our Corporate Member Ron Finemore Transport, who also had the largest team in attendance led by CEO James Dixon , MBA, GAICD who addressed the group on their behalf.
We started with our Chair, Jacquelene Brotherton acknowledging our Foundation Business Partners National Transport Insurance and Volvo Trucks Australia and delivering an apology from Bridget McKenzie.
She welcomed Corporate Members Hume Transport represented by Campbell Elliott and Nellie White, and Wodonga TAFE represented by Victoria Conlan plus Patron Members Melissa Barry and Jason Barry (AMIEAust). We were joined for the first time by Rebecca Palensky and Charmaine Beggs of McGrory’s Transport and Cassie Sutcliffe as well as all of the Ron Finemore Transport team, some who were first timers, and some were very well-known members of the TWAL community.
Jacquelene showed a short presentation on the TWAL Board, the TWAL Subcommittees, Mentors and Projects followed by a quick review of the year gone by and a brief glimpse of 2025.